100 Trivia Crack Questions and Answers to Test Your Knowledge

Trivia crack questions and answers list

Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test with some trivia crack questions? Whether you’re a trivia enthusiast or simply looking for a fun way to challenge yourself, this comprehensive list of trivia questions and answers is perfect for you. From history and geography to pop culture and science, we’ve got you covered with a wide range of topics.

If you consider yourself a history buff, our trivia crack questions will transport you back in time. Test your knowledge on famous historical events, world leaders, and significant achievements that have shaped the course of human history. Are you ready to answer questions about famous battles, ancient civilizations, or groundbreaking scientific discoveries?

For those who possess an adventurous spirit, our trivia crack questions on geography will take you on a virtual journey around the world. Challenge yourself with questions about famous landmarks, capitals, natural wonders, and cultural peculiarities. Can you name the tallest mountain in the world or identify the country with the largest population?

If you’re into popular culture, get ready to test your knowledge on music, movies, and television. From iconic songs and movie quotes to TV show trivia, these questions will put your pop culture expertise to the test. Can you name the lead singer of a famous band or recognize the actor behind a beloved movie character?

What is Trivia Crack? Exploring the Basics

What is Trivia Crack? Exploring the Basics

Trivia Crack is a popular mobile trivia game that challenges players with a wide range of questions across various categories. The game allows users to test their knowledge in subjects such as art, science, history, sports, and entertainment, among others.

Players can compete against their friends or random opponents in fast-paced trivia battles. The objective is to correctly answer questions and earn characters from each category. The first player to collect all six characters wins the game.


  • Art
  • Science
  • History
  • Sports
  • Geography
  • Entertainment


Trivia Crack features a simple and intuitive gameplay mechanism. Players take turns answering questions in their chosen category. Each question has multiple-choice options, and players must select the correct answer within a limited amount of time.

As players progress through the game, they can also use power-ups to increase their chances of success. Power-ups like “Double Chance” and “Skip” help players when they are unsure of the correct answer or want to skip a challenging question. However, these power-ups are limited, adding an element of strategy to the game.

Trivia Crack is a fun and addictive trivia game that puts players’ knowledge to the test. Whether you play solo or challenge your friends, the game offers a variety of categories and challenging questions to keep you engaged and entertained for hours.

How does Trivia Crack work?

Trivia Crack is a popular mobile game that tests players’ knowledge in various categories such as science, history, art, sports, and entertainment. It offers a fun and competitive way to challenge friends or random opponents from around the world.

Players start by spinning a wheel that determines which category they will answer a question from. Each category has a corresponding character that represents it, such as a science professor or a history buff. The goal is to collect all characters by answering questions correctly from each category.

Once the category is determined, players are presented with a multiple-choice question. They have a limited amount of time to select the correct answer. If the answer is correct, the player earns a point and can spin the wheel again for the next category. If the answer is incorrect, it becomes the opponent’s turn.

The game also includes power-ups that players can use to their advantage. These power-ups help players answer difficult questions or hinder their opponent’s progress. Players can challenge friends, play in tournaments, or engage in quick matches with random opponents. The game keeps track of players’ achievements and allows them to compare their progress with friends or through global leaderboards.

What are the different categories in Trivia Crack?

What are the different categories in Trivia Crack?

Trivia Crack is a popular trivia game that offers a wide range of categories to test your knowledge. Each category focuses on a specific subject, allowing players to choose the topics they feel most confident in. Here are some of the different categories you can find in Trivia Crack:

  • Science: This category covers various scientific disciplines including biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and more. Players can test their knowledge of the natural world and the laws that govern it.
  • History: History enthusiasts will enjoy this category, which covers a range of historical periods, events, and figures. Questions may include topics such as ancient civilizations, world wars, famous leaders, and significant milestones in human history.
  • Art: This category explores the world of art, including painting, sculpture, architecture, and other forms of artistic expression. Players will encounter questions about famous artists, art movements, iconic artworks, and the techniques used in creating them.
  • Geography: Test your knowledge of the world’s countries, cities, landmarks, and geographical features in this category. From capitals and rivers to natural wonders and famous tourist destinations, there’s a lot to discover.
  • Sports: Sports fans can put their knowledge to the test in this category, which covers a wide range of sports, athletes, records, and major events. From football and basketball to tennis and golf, there’s something for every sports enthusiast.

These are just a few examples of the categories you can find in Trivia Crack. The game also offers categories like entertainment, literature, technology, and more. With such a diverse range of topics, Trivia Crack ensures that players never run out of new and interesting questions to answer.

Tips and Strategies to Win at Trivia Crack

Tips and Strategies to Win at Trivia Crack

If you want to increase your chances of winning at Trivia Crack, it’s important to have a solid strategy in place. Here are some tips to help you up your game:

1. Choose your categories wisely

When it’s your turn to spin the wheel and choose a category, take a moment to assess your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on categories that align with your interests and areas of knowledge. This will give you a higher chance of answering the questions correctly and earning more points.

2. Utilize your power-ups strategically

Trivia Crack offers various power-ups that can help you in different ways. For example, the extra time power-up gives you more time to answer a question, while the bomb power-up allows you to eliminate two incorrect answers. Use these power-ups strategically to increase your chances of getting the right answer and scoring more points.

3. Play with friends and learn from their strengths

Playing with friends can be a great way to enhance your Trivia Crack skills. Pay attention to the categories they excel in and try to learn from them. Discussing the questions and answers with your friends can also help you broaden your knowledge and improve your overall trivia skills.

4. Stay calm and don’t rush your answers

It’s important to stay calm and composed when answering questions in Trivia Crack. Rushing your answers may lead to careless mistakes. Take your time, read the question carefully, and think through your answer before submitting it. This will help you make better-informed choices and avoid unnecessary errors.

5. Practice regularly to improve your knowledge

Like any skill, trivia knowledge requires practice to improve. Make it a habit to regularly play Trivia Crack and engage in other trivia-related activities. This will help you expand your knowledge base, familiarize yourself with common trivia topics, and increase your chances of winning in future games.

How to improve your Trivia Crack skills?

Trivia Crack is a popular trivia game that tests your knowledge on various topics. If you want to improve your skills and increase your chances of winning, here are some strategies you can try:

  • Study different topics: The game covers a wide range of subjects, so it’s important to have a diverse knowledge base. Take the time to study different areas, such as history, science, art, and sports.
  • Read and stay informed: Stay up to date with current events and popular culture. Read news articles, watch documentaries, and explore different sources of information to broaden your knowledge.
  • Play regularly: Practice makes perfect. The more you play, the more questions you will encounter, and the better you will become at answering them. Make it a habit to play the game regularly to keep your skills sharp.
  • Learn from your mistakes: Whenever you come across a question you don’t know the answer to, take note of it. Use the opportunity to learn and expand your knowledge. Research the topic and remember the correct answer for future reference.
  • Challenge yourself: Don’t shy away from difficult questions. Embrace the challenge and try to answer them to the best of your ability. This will help you learn and grow as a player.

Remember, improving your Trivia Crack skills takes time and dedication. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Keep practicing, expanding your knowledge, and challenging yourself, and eventually, you will become a trivia master!

What are some winning strategies for Trivia Crack?

What are some winning strategies for Trivia Crack?

Trivia Crack is a game that tests players’ knowledge across various categories. While luck plays a role in the game, having a winning strategy can greatly increase your chances of success. Here are some strategies to help you win at Trivia Crack:

  1. Focus on your strengths: Trivia Crack features six different categories, including art, science, history, geography, sports, and entertainment. Identify your strongest categories and focus on answering questions from those topics. This can give you a competitive edge by allowing you to answer questions correctly more consistently.
  2. Use power-ups strategically: Trivia Crack offers power-ups that can help you answer questions correctly or hinder your opponents. Use power-ups strategically based on the circumstances of the game. For example, if you are in the lead and want to maintain your advantage, use power-ups that make it harder for your opponents to answer questions correctly. If you are trying to catch up, use power-ups that increase your chance of answering questions correctly.
  3. Take your time: Trivia Crack is a turn-based game, so there is no rush to answer questions quickly. Take your time to carefully read and consider each question before selecting your answer. This can help you avoid making careless mistakes and increase your chances of answering correctly.
  4. Learn from your mistakes: If you answer a question incorrectly, take note of the correct answer and try to understand why you got it wrong. Learning from your mistakes can help you improve your knowledge and increase your chances of answering similar questions correctly in the future.
  5. Challenge your opponents: Trivia Crack allows you to challenge your opponents’ answers if you believe they are incorrect. Use this feature strategically by challenging your opponents’ answers when you are confident they are wrong. Successfully challenging their answers can give you additional opportunities to answer questions and earn points.

By implementing these strategies and continuously improving your knowledge in the different categories, you can increase your chances of winning at Trivia Crack. Remember to have fun and enjoy the game along the way!

Trivia Crack Questions: History Category

The History category in Trivia Crack is a challenging one, as it covers a wide range of historical events, figures, and civilizations. Players will test their knowledge on topics such as ancient civilizations, wars, influential leaders, and significant historical milestones. With a mix of multiple-choice questions and visual clues, this category offers an exciting and educational experience for trivia enthusiasts.

Some of the questions in the History category may ask players to identify the year a specific event occurred or the country where a historical figure was born. Others may require players to match a historical figure with their notable accomplishment or the empire they ruled. With a diverse range of questions, players can expect to learn more about different eras and cultures.

  • Sample Question 1: In which year did World War II end?
  • Sample Question 2: Who was the first president of the United States?
  • Sample Question 3: Which ancient civilization built the pyramids?
  • Sample Question 4: What year did the fall of the Roman Empire occur?

Players who excel in the History category can impress their friends with their knowledge of past events and gain a reputation as history buffs. Additionally, the category offers an excellent opportunity to learn and expand one’s understanding of the world through the lens of the past. Whether playing for fun or to challenge oneself, the History category in Trivia Crack is a captivating and enriching experience.

What are some history trivia questions for Trivia Crack?

 What are some history trivia questions for Trivia Crack?

History trivia questions are a great way to test your knowledge of the past and learn something new. Whether you are a history buff or just looking for a fun challenge, Trivia Crack offers a wide range of history questions to keep you entertained. Here are some example history trivia questions you might come across in Trivia Crack:

  • Which famous general led the Confederate Army during the American Civil War?
  • Answer: General Robert E. Lee.
  • Who was the first president of the United States?
  • Answer: George Washington.
  • What ancient civilization built the pyramids of Giza?
  • Answer: The Ancient Egyptians.
  • Who was the first female prime minister of the United Kingdom?
  • Answer: Margaret Thatcher.
  • Which famous explorer is credited with discovering America?
  • Answer: Christopher Columbus.

These are just a few examples of the history trivia questions you might encounter in Trivia Crack. The game covers a wide range of historical topics, from ancient civilizations to modern events. Whether you are playing with friends or challenging yourself, Trivia Crack is a fun way to test your knowledge and learn more about the world’s history.